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Let us be your Mirror...

We'll reflect who you are. Whether launching a new venture or reinvigorating an established enterprise, we help you discover and articulate where your vision and values align. Slipstream Strategy empowers you with the tools and framework to spotlight how your unique story matters to the world. Are you ready to shine?

Tamsin Smith created Slipstream Strategy after launching and leading the ground-breaking brand collaboration (RED), which has helped more than 290 million people and generated $760 million to fight AIDS and the injustices that allow pandemics to thrive.  Recruited by Bono and Bobby Shriver, she served as founding president for three years. Recognizing that not every mission-driven organization has a rock star and famous activist as assets, Smith now helps others achieve their impact goals through compelling narrative visioning and communications.


Since 2009, she's architected brand transformations and campaigns for the United Nations Foundation, No Bully, Futures Without Violence, and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Smith has built various brands, including Boon Supply and Mab & Stoke from the get-go, and has played a seminal role in the evolutions of others, including SUGi, Arion Press, and Trove Recommerce.


If you have an idea that matters to the world, please reach out.



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